2019 Novel Corona virus is a virus that causes an outbreak of respiratory illness and more, and this virus has been spreading around the globe as an wild fire. It was first detected in Wuhan, China. This virus seems to be a communicable disease which is being spread from person to person. The virus has been spreading rapidly in the world, where more than 24,000 are affected till date. China has implemented serious actions towards preventing and treatment for the virus.
As china is bordering country of Nepal, Nepal should be very careful about the disease but at the same time not panic about the situation.There have been a case about corona virus infection case reported in Nepal and necessary steps have been taken to deal with it. and there is no further report cases regarding the infection since 25 january.The National Public Health Laboratory is working together with private hospitals and laboratories to give accurate and timely diagnostics of the virus. World Health Organization (WHO) is also providing technical support for the same purpose.
Photo by: BIKRAM RAI
Nepal has been preparing very rigorously for it’s tourism promotion campaign “Visit Nepal Year 2020” and then the news of Corona Virus has been spread around the world in speeding rate. We would like to assure people of the world that Nepal is taking some serious actions to not let the virus spread in the country. Ambulances are standby on the International Airport and according to health ministry, suspected individual would be immediately transferred to hospital. The Nepal government has taken precautionary steps by setting up screening centres for the coronavirus at airport and border control points.
Some of the facts regarding corona virus:
What is corona virus?
Corona virus are family of viruses which are known for containing strains that causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases as MERS-COV and SARS-COV. Common Signs of infection of this virus are:
Respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties, during severe cases infections can cause pneumonia, and sever acute respiratory syndrome resulting in death as well.
We can prevent it from transmission by covering our mouth with masks, using tissue or flexed albow while sneezing, avoiding close contact with those who are sick. Although there is no specific medication for the virus, we can treat or minimize the disease with supportive care, , whereas treatment and vaccines are in development
Some of the preventive measures are: Using masks and personal protective equipment especially in a health care setting, and washing hands regularly with soap and water, avoiding unnecessary contacts with animals, thorough cooking of animal products.
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